Birthdate 25/07/1981
Birthplace. Tehran
Citizenship. Iran
Positions : 2015-Present
Professional summary :
Neurosurgeon with 4 years of experience treating a variety of neurological disorders
and spine issues.
Work Experience :2015-Present
Neurosurgeon at Shahid Rajae hospital , Trauma and neurosurgical center of qazvin
medical student university
Neurosurgeon at Pastor private hospital , Qazvin
Neurosurgeon at Laleh private hospital , Tehran
Educational Background
2000-2008 Medical School : Baqiyatalah university of medical sciences
2010-2015 Residency in neurosurgery : Tehran university of medical sciences
Teaching :2015-Present
Attend of Qazvin university of medical sciences
Society Memberships:2015-Present
Neurosurgical society of Iran
Management of postoperative pain after Lumbar surgery-pregabalin for one day and
14 days-a randomized, triple-blinded, placebo-controlled study.Clin Neurol
Neurosurg. 2016 Dec;151:37-42.
Predictive Factors of Blood Loss and Hospital Stay in Patients With Major
Lumbosacral Surgeries: A Multi-Center, Prospective, Cross-Sectional Survey.
Archives of Neuroscience: July 01, 2015, 2 (3); e22804
Transpedicular Screw Insertion Guidance Device (TSIGD), A New Device for Spinal
Transpedicular Screw Placement (A Pilot Study)Archives of Neuroscience: April 01,
2014, 1 (1); 26-30
The effect of irrigation of intracisternal papaverine on cerebral blood flow in
subarachnoid hemorrhage.adv biomed Res2013 ,2:45.
Comparison of the administration of progesterone versus progesterone and vitamin D
in improvement of outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury: A randomized
clinical trial with placebo group.Adv Biomed Res. 2012; 1: 58.
Platelet count and neonatal sepsis: a high prevalence of Enterobacter
Hepatitis C virus infection among patients on hemodialysis: a report from a single
center in Iran.Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2009 Jan;20(1):147-53.
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism disturbances after renal transplantation.
Transplant Proc. 2007 May;39(4):1033-5.
Hyperlipidemia after renal transplantation and its relation to graft and patient
survival. Transplant Proc. 2007 May;39(4):1044-7.
Posttransplantation Lymphoproliferative Disorders in Renal Transplant Recipients:
Report of Over 20 Years of Experience.j.transproceed.2007.03.052.